Please read instructions carefully before Register.
UPLOAD PHOTO AND SIGNATURE ( go to any nearest browsing center scan photo and signature properly before you upload.)
Scan and upload the image of your photograph: a) Photo size W 30 mm x H 35 mm File size up to 100 KB. b) Signature size W 55 mm x H 10 mm File size up to 30 KB.
Do not upload a cam scanner or mobile scanning photo and signature.
Photo and signature must be uploaded in respective columns.
Kindly upload professional photo taken in a photo studio.
Signature background must be in clear white color and signature must be done in black/ blue ball-point pen. Signature must be clear and should not be blurred.
Photo and signature must not contain name, date of birth, date, and borders etc.
Application will be rejected if photo and signature are not proper.Photo and signature format must be in JPEG and JPG not to upload PNG format.
Please read instructions carefully before Register.
UPLOAD PHOTO AND SIGNATURE ( go to any nearest browsing center scan phot any nearest browsing center scan phot any nearest browsing center scan photo and signature properly before you upload.)
Scan and upload the image of your photograph: a) Photo size W 30 mm x H 35 mm File size up to 100 KB. b) Signature size W 55 mm x H 10 mm File size up to 30 KB.
Do not upload a cam scanner or mobile scanning photo and signature.
Photo and signature must be uploaded in respective columns.
Kindly upload professional photo taken in a photo studio.
Signature background must be in clear white color and signature must be done in black/ blue ball-point pen. Signature must be clear and should not be blurred.
Photo and signature must not contain name, date of birth, date, and borders etc.
Application will be rejected if photo and signature are not proper.Photo and signature format must be in JPEG and JPG not to upload PNG format.